212 News
Bikers Against Bullying (212) Chapter members are the foot soldiers supporting local anti-bullying activities as well as supporting community initiatives to make better communities. See some of activities that our Chapters have been up to.

Bikers Against Bullying Chapters have been spotted in parades across Canada. If you would like us to join you in a parade at Christmas or any other time of year feel free to reach out with details to info@212crew.com.

42nd winner of our Father’s Day appreciation giveaway was Darcy MacDonald of Halifax. He donated $100 at the Motorcycle and Powersport Atlantic show. Thanks for your support Darcy and we hope you enjoy your new bike.

Friday February 2 – 4, 2024
StopBully.com and Bikers Against Bullying attended the Calgary Bike Show. It was a wonderful event. We look forward to next year.

January 30, 2024
Bikers Against Bullying had the pleasure of taking 20 children of Red Deer Bowling at the Gutter. We are looking forward to returning. Keep your eye on our facebook page for the next sign up.

Friday January 26 – 28, 2024
StopBully.com and Bikers Against Bullying attended the Edmonton Bike Show and Home Show. It was a wonderful event. We look forward to next year.

January 12-14
Vancouver Motorcycle Show. We were across from Harley-Davidson in the 1st Hall at the Vancouver Bike Show at the Abbotsford Airport -Tradex Convention Center. It was a great show! We mer lots of Great people!!

Bowling with Bikers Barrie, Ontario
Barrie was a lot of fun as we were able to help celebrate Charlotte’s 8th birthday! Happy Birthday Charlotte!

Bowling with Bikers in Brandon, Manitoba
Next stop on ride across Canada for bully awareness was in Brandon Manitoba. We had lots of fun.

Bowling with Bikers in Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Our next stop on our ride across Canada was Bowling with Bikers in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. There is no wonder left in my mind about why the name swift current. After battling strong winds all day we showed up for a fun evening of bowling. We had a good turn out and there were lots of smiles. Thanks for having us! We look forward to coming back.

Airdrie, Alberta Ride for Bully Awareness
The Airdrie ride for bully awareness took place on August 20th. There were about 70+ participants. The ride was followed by free food and a music celebration back at 212 Custom Cycle – motorcycle shop.

Kamloops Ride for Bully Awareness 2023
Bikers Against Bullying held a Ride in Kamloops, British Columbia late August to raise awareness for the cause. We had 55 riders out for the event and enjoyed a wonderful ride around Kamloops and ended the day with some bowling with Bikers in the evening. All-in-all, it was a great success. We look forward to the event for next year.

The second stop on our Cross Canada Ride for Bully Awareness was Bowling with Bikers in Merritt, British Columbia. We invited 30 children to join us for an evening of free bowling. Everyone had a wonderful time (especially the bikers). Thanks for joining us Merritt.

Ride for Bully Awareness – Chilliwack
Our Annual Ride for Bully Awareness 2023 started in Chilliwack, British Columbia at Mountainview Harley. It was an amazing turn out and a great ride. There were over 70 riders to support the cause. Unlike previous years we are joining rides across Canada. Chilliwack was the first stop to start this year’s ride.

Bartson visits Public School in Kitchener Bikers Against Bullying and Bartson visited a public school in the Kitchener area on Wednesday May 31st. The kids seemed to have a lot of fun and so did we. Chainsaw stuck around and signed autographs for the kids and met some parents after school. We hope to visit again. Thanks to the school for having us.

Bowling with Bikers and Bartson in Calgary – May 28, 2023
Bikers Against Bullying and Bartson invited several friends from the Calgary area to a free bowling event. there were several strikes, spares and gutter balls along with lots of laughs and high fives.

Scarlet’s Birthday Ride – Calgary, May 28, 2023
Today was Scarlet’s annual birthday ride… Happy Birthday to a very special friend!
St. Patrick’s Day Winner – March 17, 2023
We are currently working on contacting the St. Patrick’s Day winner. She made a $200 dollar donation at the Stettler Sobeys in August. We will post her name as soon as we make contact. Reminder to anyone who fits this description, ‘Answer your phone’ LOL!! Check back regularly for an update!!

Bowling with Bikers – Calgary – March 18, 2023
Bikers Against Bullying Calgary is held their third Bowling with Bikers event on March 19th. The event was successful and we had a great turn out. Fun was had by all and we look forward to our next event to be announced on our facebook page. If you would be interested in attending as a biker or as a child – please contact us for details at info@212crew.com.
Christmas Day Winner – January 2023
Our Christmas day bike winner was selected but we were having some difficulty making contact as she is a snowbird enjoying the southern weather. We did however make contact and are happy to announce that Janice Reinhart of St. George made a $20 donation at Foodland in Ayr. As soon as she returns we will make arrangements to deliver her prize and post a photo. Thanks for your patience.

Bowling with Bikers – February 22, 2023
Bikers Against Bullying put on their second Bowling with Bikers event on February 21st. This was to commemorate 212 Day. The significance is because the digits Two, One, Two stand for the letters B. A. B. for Bikers Against Bullying. The event was successful and we had a great turn out. Fun was had by all and we look forward to our next event to be announced on our facebook page. If you would be interested in attending as a biker or as a child – please contact us for details at info@212crew.com.

Annual Ride for Bully Awareness – August/September 2023 Across Canada
Bikers Against Bullying is putting on the 12th Annual Ride for Bully Awareness. This year we have decided to do a Ride across Canada. We plan to start in British Columbia to Prince Edward Island. If you are interested in joining us for the full ride, please contact info@212crew.com. If you would be interested in riding across your province or your city that will be fine as well. We are currently in the planning stages. Anyone that would be interested in being involved in any way is encouraged to contact us at info@212crew.com. This will be a HUGE undertaking and we can use all the help we can get!! We are also looking for community sponsors for lodging, food, expenses etc. We are planning to stop in many communities along the way to speak with communities about the importance of bully prevention and how to be a leader and share kindness to everyone around you.

Bowling with Bikers – Calgary Sunday January 22nd at 2:00 pm
Bowling with Bikers – The Bikers Against Bullying Chapter in Calgary is planning a Bowling with Bikers event to take place in Calgary – Sunday January 22nd at 2 pm at Let’s Bowl. We have had a great response from the community and we are looking forward to it. If this is something that would interest you (as a child) or an adult who is interested in giving back please send us an email: info@stopbully.com with the subject: Bowling

47th Annual Motorcycle Supershow
If you are in the area of Toronto’s International Centre on January 6-8, 2023, be sure to join us at the 47th Annual Motorcycle Supershow. You can see the new motorcycle displays, meet industry celebrities, take part in some hot shopping deals and also get in on our motorcycle giveaway. Next giveaway takes place on St Patrick’s Day. If you are not able to make it in person you can still participate online – https://212marketplace.com/collections/memberships

35th Bike Giveaway Winner
On August 21st StopBully.com pulled the 35th membership winner. This year’s winner donated $20 at Canadian Tire in Fergus Ontario. We called Adam (the winner) on Tuesday August 23rd to deliver the good news. You can hear his winning phone call on our giveaway page. We delivered the bike to it’s new home in front of the Fergus Canadian Tire store an snapped a couple of photos. Congratulations to Adam and thanks for your support.

35th Bike Giveaway Winner
On August 21st StopBully.com hosts an Annual Ride for Bully Awareness. Once the day is finished and the database of contributors is finalized, we select a winner who receives our appreciation prize. This years winner donated $20 at Canadian Tire in Fergus Ontario. We called Adam (the winner) on Tuesday August 23rd to deliver the good news. You can hear his winning phone call on our giveaway page. Once we deliver the bike we will post his photo. Congratulations to Adam and thanks for your support.

Bikers Against Bullying Ride for bully awareness makes the news in BC. Take a look

11th Annual Ride for Bully Awareness
We are currently planning our 12th Annual Rides for Bully Awareness in BC, Alberta and Ontario. Details will come shortly – If you are interested in taking part or planning a ride in your area – please contact info@stopbully.com

Our Poster Child LJ – he has spent his last three years volunteering to help out the 212 ride on his Birthday – Happy Birthday LJ!!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow – 212 Custom Cycle – 127 Kingsview Rd – Airdrie – Registration in person 9;30 to 10:45am. KSU – 11am.

Calgary Bike Nights
Come join us for Bike Night every Wednesday at the Watchman’s Pub on 17th Ave Downtown Calgary. 6:30pm – 8:30pm… Hosted by 212Crew Alberta and the Watchman’s Pub. Sponsored by 212 Custom Cycle in Airdrie. Wing Wednesday, Taco Special and loads of fun – see you there. All riders welcome.

StopBully and Bikers Against Bullying has recently launched a new online store. You are welcome to purchase swag here. Proceeds from every order will go towards supporting the cause and bringing awareness to the issue of bullying amongst children. https://212marketplace.com
BC Ride for Bully Awareness 2022

AB Ride for Bully Awareness 2022
Alberta Ride for Bully Awareness took place on Sunday August 21, 2011. It was a great day until the rain tried to wash us away. We stood our ground. The school of rock entertained us . What a great show they performed their hearts out!!

Stopbully.com attends Hogs for Hospice. One of my favourite events. We thank the folks in Leamington for putting on one of the best planned events in the nation. We also thank them for allowing us to participate!

StopBully.com Ontario purchases a new event tent. If you see it, make sure you pop by and say hi!
Stopbully.com Fundraiser
Stopbully.com restarts bully awareness tables in Ontario after COVID knocked the wind out of our sails. We are back at it. We are focused and determined to spread the word, get volunteers and make connections in the communities we are in. If you want more information, contact us at info@stopbully.com.

212 Spring Swap Meet – June 13, 2021 was a success
212 had a great turnout at the spring swap meet. We have just started the planning for the next one to be hosted at 212 Custom Cycle on September 19th with a September 26th rain date. If you would like to join us contact us for more information at info@stopbully.com. It will take place at 212 Custom Cycle at 113, 127 Kingsview Rd SE, Airdrie AB.

212 Spring Swap Meet 2021
212 is hosted their spring swap meet. It will was held at headquarters on Sunday June 13th. The next swap meet is scheduled for September 19th. You can contact us for more information or table information at info@stopbully.com. It will take place at 113, 127 Kingsview Rd SE, Airdrie AB.

Bikers Against Bullying AB – help local football team in bottle drive
In efforts to support a young man in Calgary, the Bikers Against Bullying Calgary assisted the Wildcats in a bottle drive. It was a moving event for all who participated.

COVID 19 Shopping and Grocery Delivery
Chapter 9 offers shopping and delivery service to those who can’t get out during the COVID-19 isolation period. Way to go Chapter 9!

StopBully partners with Polar Martial Arts Studio
StopBully.com and Polar Martial Arts Studio in Calgary have partnered to offer children in the Bully Prevention Program Taekwondo.
Taekwondo develops your child’s athletic abilities and self-awareness, and improves the child’s capabilities in self-defense. Taekwondo emphasizes moral development as well. Children learn respect for themselves and others, heightened concentration, and increased self-discipline and self-restraint. We feel that this is a perfect fit for the program.

25th Bike giveaway
Terry ‘Chainsaw’ Donaldson presented Troy Christie his new Indian Scout outside Sobeys in Olds where he made a donation to support StopBully.com. Congratulations Troy and thanks for your support! Next Contest Give Away #26 – St. Patrick’s Day… Catch us out at a booth to enter or support online. No purchase necessary. See Complete Contest Guidelines and details at https://stopbully.com/giveaways/

Halifax Bike Show – March 6, 2020
Coast to Coast – We’re at the Halifax Bike Show this weekend! Pop on over to our booth and say Hello! Be sure to enter to WIN a Motorcycle for the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day 26th Bike Giveaway!

The Big Bake Winners
212’s Silverfox got to sign the wall of fame over at Punk Rock Pastries. Not only are these gals the winners of the HIT TV Show,”The Big Bake”, They’re stopbully.com Community Partners. These girls know what it means to give back to the community! Sending a HUGE thank you from all of us at Bikers Against Bullying – British Columbia. March 7, 2020

Centranet Resources is a PROUD StopBully.com Community Partner
We’re thrilled to be able to add them as one of our newest local community businesses. Together we can STAND UP for youth/children at risk. Be sure to check them out and tell them we sent you… www.centranetresources.com. March 6, 2020

Presenting to bc Housing Corporation
Today, we presented to the BC Housing Corporate Office staff, our story and mission with StopBully and Bikers Against Bullying resonated deeply with them. In recognition of the Bullying Awareness week across North America, we want to remind everyone that Bullying happens 365. February 27, 2020.
The mission of StopBully.com is to spread awareness to children, families, schools and communities to end the spirit of bullying while empowering youth.
To see children empowered with the esteem to become leaders. To help those who don't and to reach all of their goals while creating safe communities.
Established in 2009
- Respect your self and others
- Act with integrity
- Make a difference every day